Archive | June, 2010

Visit: Kauai

29 Jun

I think my body has just now adjusted back to eastern standard time.

The trip to Hawaii was everything you’d expect from a wonderful family vacation: perfect weather, gorgeous location, water, sun, fun, happy hour and only a few emotional breakdowns. The week was purposefully divided into two portions – specific days filled with multiple pre-planned activities, and alternating days “off” for relaxation and sun. This treaty was negotiated in order to accommodate two populations – the people who enjoy forced activity and generally can’t sit still (i.e. parents), and the total lazy asses (i.e. kids). Consider me the ultimate child in the group.

With so many pictures of the same palm trees to share, this trip will be divided into multiple posts. Today? The where of the trip.

Stay: Kauai is the “garden” island of Hawaii and is known for its lush, beautiful landscapes. We* rented a house in Koloa, a small town next to the popular Poipu Beach area, on the south side of the island. Our house for the week was directly on the ocean and the view wasn’t half bad.

For an island, Kauai is woefully short on beaches. Most of the island is surrounded by black volcanic rock, which is deceptively slippery when wet. Very pretty however. The boys attempted death by 1,000 paper cuts by repeatedly trying to snorkel off our beach, and managed to bash themselves against other rocks and coral over and over. The lesson here? Boys are dumb.

The house we rented not only had seven bathrooms (bam!), but also its own private pool and lanai. It was very amazing.

Good story – my college roommate Jackie often pulled dog-sitting duty for one of her professors, whose dog’s name was Lanai. She was a golden retriever who was a trained service dog and knew like 451 commands. She could get beer from our fridge and bring it to us. She was a binge drinking enabler. Back to Kauai……

I did the majority of my relaxing by the pool, looking out at the ocean. Add my Kindle and a G&T (made with Hendrick’s – new favorite), and it was pretty much my dream vacation. That is, until someone forced my idle butt to move. Bummer duuuude.

We enjoyed watching the waves from a big deck on the second level. Also served as an excellent cocktail hour location. To be honest, I think the entire island makes an excellent cocktail hour location. Just a recommendation.

Sunsets were a little early (7:30ish) but pretty spectacular. I did not witness a single sunrise. Big surprise there.

Still to be detailed at annoying length? Activities, sights, eats and any extras I deem necessary.

*The collective “we” referenced here should not be construed to include me. Or any of the other children for that matter. I did not pay any costs toward the trip and I did not make a single reservation. We were graciously invited as guests of my in-laws, who planned the vacation to celebrate their summer birthdays and upcoming 30th wedding anniversary. I can only hope to be so generous to my family one day. Heck, I’ll consider it a success if I even want to take my kids on vacation after 30 years of wedded bliss.

Back Home Again in Indiana

27 Jun

Or so the song goes….

As you likely guessed, we spent the last week in Kauai and we did not have a shitty time. The weather was perfect, the island was beautiful and our rental house was enormous. As it all should be, considering the 14-hour travel time to and from Poipu Beach. I’m not quite sure my body has any clue what time it currently is, or what meal I should be eating, but such is the price for a pretty amazing vacation. So thrilled to be back to work tomorrow.

Recaps to follow for the four people who may be interested.

“Hello. I live here.”

11 Jun

Let me start out by stating that Sex and the City makes me feel like Frump in the Suburbs. Like the opposite of uplifting.

Most of my raging jealousy in watching SATC 2 was aimed directly at Carrie and Big’s new apartment. It’s justthisclose to my view of perfect. These Elle Decor pictures have been widely discussed, and like all the others, I loved the set design.

I may never live up to my word and show any pictures of my own house, because I just really wish it looked like this. Huge surprise here… doesn’t.

I also desperately love this closet, and the way that it opens into the master bath. If my clothes actually lived in a closet, rather than roaming free across my floors and furniture (wild animals I tell you) they would really enjoy staying here. It gives me organizational goosebumps.

This room looks so peaceful and polished. Exactly how my room appears to my dog, who is currently sleeping on my bed. It has a lesser effect on humans. [Also, give me those drapes.]

Everything about their space is perfect, but just slightly imperfect. Exactly the way that Carrie and Big themselves are. And how I’d like my own home to be. My house reflects a little bit more of the “falling far short of our original intentions” vibe, which I’m afraid is also the way I am.

Upgrade for our vacation

7 Jun

From here

Our normal summer family vacations are just like everyone else’s. Multiple hours in the car with everything we own, stopping at Wendy’s and arguing over who gets to pick the music. Once there, we’re facing tight quarters, someone in a crabby mood (usually me) and too many planned activities. But at least this year, we’ll be crabby and over-scheduled in……Hawaii.

Oh yes. My in-laws are taking the entire family to Kauai for a week. We have a house, a pool, and reservations at a luau (because would it really be Hawaii without the stereotypical experience?). My excitement levels are nearing day-after-our-engagement-when-I-finally-had-legit-reasons-to-purchase-bridal-magazines proportions. In other words, this is amazing and I can’t wait.

Have I mentioned?

6 Jun

How amazing June is? It’s currently 9:16 p.m. eastern standard – and the sun is just heading to bed here.

Almost makes up for the shitty winter months. Almost.

How the Weekend Was Won

4 Jun

Guidelines for Godparents

1 Jun

I’m not Catholic. Steve’s family is very Catholic. Like one bishop, two priests and a nun in the family VERY. This leaves me a little confused at times, but I have learned quite a bit of the “stand up, sit down, fight, fight, fight” of the Catholic church.

No amount of preparation or my own Christian upbringing could apparently prepare me for my new role as a godparent. Wait, I’m somewhat responsible for a child? Read about it here.

Following the baptism ceremony, we were handed an envelope with our names on the front and the description “RE: Role as Godparent.” These godchildren now come with a manual. The instructions inside mentioned how we were to be the spiritual role models and educators for the child and should strive to be their special friend. I think I’ll stick with crazy aunt, but whatever. The sheet also indicated that we should encourage our godchild with cards, letters or gifts to commemorate spiritual and personal events in her life. We’d already purchased savings bonds for our godchild when she was born and were gifting her several sundresses and summer accessories for her baptism. I figured we were on the right track.

However, the handout indicated that we might need to revise our gifting methods. Examples of gifts which they suggested for events like Christmas, Easter, graduation, first job, engagement? “A bike, spiritual book, rosary, religious jewelry, gift certificate for religious goods/books, retreat opportunity, etc.” Um, which of these is not like the other? By choosing baby clothes for a baby who had just been baptized, we had clearly gifted her a path to self-destruction.

She’s a little young for books, gift certificates, jewelry or retreats, so I guess we’re getting her a bike for her first birthday. Catholic church approved.