Tag Archives: Holidays

‘Twas the Season

6 Jan

…..and so we celebrated. For quite a few days. A birthday deserves that after all.

First stop was to spend some quality time with the husboy’s family, in a town where Super Wal-Mart is king. With overwhelming amounts of family present. This is truly a tale of two Christmases – the dressed up, frantic, wine-drinking Christmas, and later the gin-and-tonic-drinking, sweatpants and no showers Christmas.

The first:

Showing off my Christmas stewardess look...

Christmas Husband

Family drinking and deep discussions

Not pictured? Apples to Apples, bitter euchre tournament, “Sherlock Holmes,” Fiesta Grande night, more red wine, RIDICULOUS piles of presents. 2009 yielded my most productive Christmas haul in recent memory. Of course, getting me a Kindle and a DSLR may have seriously backfired on the family, as I will further alienate myself with obsessive book reading and picture-taking. Doesn’t bother me one bit. If you want me to be personable during the holidays, you should’ve gifted me Valium.

Part deux included a treacherous trek through the snow (in a front-wheel drive vehicle. BLAST.) to northern Michigan, the land of no Wal-Mart and sub-zero temps. We did some skiing, some snowshoeing, completely exhausted the puppy and ventured to the casino for NYE. I don’t need to tell you that one of those events was simply life-altering. The dress code should have read: Canadian Tuxedo.

Laziness ensued:

Thrilled gift recipient?

Santa at the lake

No Wal-Mart, but pretty scenic no?

Not pictured? Terribly cold skiing trip, Short’s Brewery, more Apples to Apples, outdoor activities, Banner being adorable, Red Mesa margaritas.

Overall? A resounding success for our first married holiday season. Did I mention the Kindle and DSLR? Yeah, HUGE SUCCESS.