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And then there were five….

6 Jul

…..weeks until the wedding. Our summer by the numbers:

4: Number of wedding showers hosted in our honor. Shockingly, no stupid games were required at a single event.

1: Number of engagement parties thrown for us. Also, the number of times my friends and family will ever go to a party where the honored couple is serenaded with “Unforgettable” and “You’re a Grand Old Flag” — twice. Don’t ask.

959: Square feet of new flooring laid in our new house last week. Prior to that, we watched TV and ate every meal in two matching Penn State tailgating chairs.

250: Guests we’re expecting for the wedding. This seems outrageous to me, but honestly has left plenty of people off the list. Hurt feelings be damned, I could not handle a bigger wedding. Nor could our budget.

12: Gallons of new paint on the walls. Paint alone was a huge expense, but when almost every room in your house is painted with primer only, and smells horribly like an old folks home, you paint every surface. No choice. Still to come? Painting the master bath, and every. single. cabinet. in our rather large kitchen. Can you say, HIRE a pro?

1: Number of lawn mowers purchased and returned to Lowes, on the same day. My fiance’s only home-ownership dream was being able to mow his own lawn, and grill out like a real man. Within hours of purchasing both the grill and mower, the homeowner’s association rep informed us that our lawn service mows once a week, does all the weed and feed, and activates our sprinkler systems. Hearing “lawn service” and “snow removal” was beautiful music to my ears, yet Steve all but cried at the news. The grill still isn’t operational. Let’s not discuss this any further.

50+: Thank you cards painstakingly written already. Another potential 250 in the works.

7: Number of bridesmaids in the wedding. Extremely easy for me, but Ashleigh and Leah are probably 10 seconds away from killing me in my sleep after my inane questioning. I’m a little late to realize that no one probably gives two shits about the wording on the koozies, yet I debate it endlessly with them anyways. Still pals? 🙂

2: Bachelor/Bachelorette parties still to go. Mine in Chicago, the boys out on the lake. Oh the stories we’ll never tell….
